Currently am on delete-user branch which i created just now have made one file changed code in UserTable.js now i want to push that from visual code studio


To push your changes from the delete-user branch in Visual Studio Code, follow these steps:

1. Check Current Branch

Make sure you are on the delete-user branch.

  • Open VS Code Terminal (Ctrl + ~ or View > Terminal).
  • Run:shCopyEditgit branch
    • If you see * delete-user, you are on the correct branch.

2. Add Your Changes

Since you’ve modified UserTable.js, stage your changes:

shCopyEditgit add UserTable.js

Or, to add all changes:

shCopyEditgit add .

3. Commit the Changes

Now, commit your changes with a meaningful message:

shCopyEditgit commit -m "Updated UserTable.js to handle user deletion"

4. Push to Remote Repository

Push your branch to the remote repository (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.):

shCopyEditgit push origin delete-user

5. Verify on GitHub

  • Go to your GitHub repository.
  • Check if the delete-user branch has been updated.
  • If needed, create a Pull Request (PR) to merge into main or develop.

Alternative: Using VS Code UI

If you prefer GUI steps:

  1. Click on the Source Control (Ctrl + Shift + G).
  2. You should see the modified file (UserTable.js).
  3. Click on the + (stage) button next to the file or “Stage All Changes”.
  4. Enter a commit message in the box.
  5. Click the ✔ Commit button.
  6. Click on the “Sync Changes” or “Push” button.

Your changes should now be successfully pushed!


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